Ahwatukee is home to many different types of businesses.
Home-based, virtual, small and large brick-and-mortar all exist in the
village. With so many great places to choose from, sometimes it's
hard to decide! So hopefully we can help you out by featuring a different business every month.
Janet Drez
3965 South Sage Dr.
Chandler, AZ
p 480-899-3090
f 480-899-4229
"Putting the pieces Together in
Your Home-Based Business."

Whether you are just thinking about starting a home-based business or you have been working hard in your business for years,
Janet Drez can help you achieve your highest dreams!
Here's how she can support your efforts:
1. One-on-one consulting to give you specific step-by-step guidance in your journey
2. Marketing and media relations strategies and implementation to take your business to the next level
3. Workshops to provide you with hands-on tools for success and a forum for sharing ideas with others
4. Janet's book, Putting the Pieces Together: A Christian Woman's Guide to a Successful Home-Based Business, supports
you with detailed information, real-life success stories and exercises to smooth your way.
Janet Drez is owner of the 15-year-old A Perfect Solution, the 2002 U.S. Small Business Administration's Home-Based
Business Advocate of the Year, and the Arizona Home-Based Business Council founder and chairwoman. Her passion is to
encourage and assist others in starting and growing successful home-based businesses.
For more information or to set up an appointment, contact Janet at 480-889-3090 or visit at http://www.aperfectsolution.com